So this past week was my first official “couponing” shopping trip. I always thought that perhaps couponing wouldn’t work for me, because I try not to eat canned or processed foods, and they don’t exactly have coupons for fresh fruit, dairy, or organic meat very often. But I am finding ways to still make my dollar stretch a little further.
Also, be aware of your grocery stores policy on coupons. I shop at Publix, which allows you to use 2 coupons per item – one manufacturer and one store coupon. They also accept competitor’s coupons. And if you have coupons you forgot to bring or that didn’t come out until the following week for items you purchased, bring them back to the store with your receipt for a refund on the coupon amount. I’m not sure about other grocery stores, but Publix also has additional coupons at the front of the store, as well as their programs such as the baby club or pet club you can sign up for online, which are also great deals. For instance, the baby club this month sent me coupons for $1.00 off any deli meat and also $1.00 off any fresh meat item. Who can’t use those coupons? Another great idea, utilize your stores resources. Publix has itemized grocery lists for free at the front of their store. Why not grab a few next time you’re there and keep them on hand? Organizing your grocery list this way will save you time on your next trip so you’re not running to and from departments for things you forgot to grab.